Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Dear New York Times

In the article ("With faint chirp, scientists prove Einstein correct", p. A1, 2/12/16) we study that black holes were part of Einstein's theory. The reality is considerably contrary. "Einstein argued vigorously against black holes [as] incompatible with reality" (see "Black Holes" by R. Anderson) and his rivals held back their acceptance for many years.

Einstein was also wrong when he denied Quantum Field Theory. According to his biographer A. Pais," QFT was repugnant to him". This is contradictory because QFT, and only QFT, reveals and resolves the paradoxes of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics that most people struggle with (see "Fields of Color: The theory that escaped Einstein" by this writer).

Perhaps the biggest irony is the statement, "according to Einstein's theory, gravity is caused by objects warping space and time". Although that is what everybody thinks today, the reality is that Einstein recognized gravity as a force field, similar to electromagnetic fields, but that it is created by mass, not charge. That an oscillating mass creates gravitational waves is no more mysterious or unexpected than that electromagnetic waves are generated when electrons move back and forth in an antenna. To Einstein, curvature was a secondary result, similar to the changes in space and time generated by motion according to his Special theory of Relativity.

Black holes. Contrary to numerous reports, black holes were actually not part of Einstein's concept. In fact Einstein argued vigorously against black holes [as] incompatible with reality, and his opposition held back their approval for many years.

Summary. Gravitational waves are easy to understand if you recognize gravity as a force field, similar to the electromagnetic field (QFT). And while the contraction effect is far more subtle, it is not that much different from the F-L contraction that has been accepted for over a hundred years.

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